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Template: Siti Nur Zahira
Bascodes: Nurul AtiQah
Edited: suzana sofea

Assalamualikum and salam 18 ramadhan

Times flies really fast you guys. Alhamdulillah we still can feel the nikmah of ramadhan. So this is the first ramadhan as a teacher, if i can conclude my whole ramadhan as a teacher it will be "thirsty" I'm so freaking thirsty by the time evening session starts. So this ramadhan I'm quite busy as a teacher, i can't stop talking because my student keep on asking how to do this and that since most of them are not fasting.

So, really hope that this ramadhan i'll fil it with a good things a good deeds that will be istiqamah.even small, I'll try to remain the changes i have already made this ramadhan. InsyaAllah.