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Template: Siti Nur Zahira
Bascodes: Nurul AtiQah
Edited: suzana sofea

Positive Insecurities


basically when we mentioned about insecurities it was synonym to women. I mean yeah there are no doubts at all. we women easily insecure with things we don't have. in prior, I am the one who misused the insecurity function. I always use insecurity through things that i'll twist it to be negative like beautiful/rich/clever/kind and etc... before this, when the maturity dont even exist in my life, I always felt insecure with stupid things. i dont really know, it just me or this issue is kind of mainstream to other human being.

priory i always said....

she is so beautiful but Ive too many flaws
she is so clever, I am so stupid
she is so rich but sometimes I cant even posses things i really like in fact i have to do something to return the  favor.

k guyssss that was stupid attitude ever. alhamdulillah i am not permanently stay at dumb zone forever, things are moving on and so do i. as time goes by, i finally realize that positive vibe is really important. man, this positive stuffs really change your life. really transform you into a new person with a good persona. nowadays, my mindset always setup to be positive, in whatever I do including the insecurity stuffs.


subhanaAllah this girl was so beautiful but Alhamdulillah Allah gave me such a perfect face without deformity.
how can she be so incredibly clever? i must glean tips from her so that i can be smart as her.
mashaAllah she is sooo rich? she bought all the dress without hesitation but its okay Allah dont want me to waste money because my mom can make it exactly the same like that expensive dress she possessed.

see how your life turns 360 degree when you implement positivity in your life. i really admit that the bigger i am the more i understand what life for. are you live to please human? of course not! you are the chosen one to live in the world to please Allah the greatest. so please be positive you guys. 

needless to say, you can feel insecure but use it wisely. wisely? how? why? wisely is when you use insecurities in a positive way. you know what i mean right? because negative insecurity will lead you to be an ungrateful servant which is Allah really hate that. Allah already write our fate which is absolutely different from other so please be grateful.
